Chapman Valley Museum
Located in the heart of the Nanson Hamlet the Chapman Valley Museum is a treasure even visiting anthropologists cannot resist.
The Museum is home to an impressive display of old farm machinery, vehicles, local history and photos brought to you by the Chapman Valley Historical Society. The Chapman Valley Historical Society is a community group dedicated to preserving and promoting our local history, which includes local pioneers, railway and mining. Treat yourself to a visit at the Chapman Valley Museum, you’ll be surprised by what you’ll discover.
The museum is also now home to a wonderful tribute to the 42 Fallen Soldiers from the Upper Chapman region in WW1.
The CVHS Heritage Centre at Nanson is open for the following hours:.
Wednesday 9am to 12 noon and Sunday 10am to 4pm.
Closed December, January, February and March due to heat.
For additional opening times please check our Facebook page the CVHS website. EFTPOS available.
Facebook | Chapman Valley Historical Society Heritage
Chapman Valley Municipal Inventory
Chapman Valley Heritage Trail booklet
Chapman Valley Oral History Interviews
Yetna Plane Crash

Register of Buildings
Council has a register of heritage-listed buildings. Persons doing research or interested in inspecting the heritage register are invited to do so in the Shire library. cso@chapmanvalley.wa.gov.au.