Waste Management
Domestic Bin Collection
A domestic bin collection service is available in some areas of the Shire. Properties requiring additional bins or services will incur additional fees, as per the current fees and charges.
To arrange a new/additional service or replacement bin please complete the following form and return to cso@chapmanvalley.wa.gov.au
Rubbish Bin Request Form
Household rubbish collection services are provided externally by Cleanaway.
If your bin has not been collected by 4pm on its allocated day, please contact Cleanaway on (08) 9938 4000 to advise them and log your address to prompt collection.
Bin Collection Days
Monday: Waggrakine (Chapman Valley Shire ONLY), White Peak, Howatharra, Buller
Tuesday: Nanson, Nabawa, Yuna

Bins are emptied by Council's contractors between 6am and 4pm on collection days.
Residents are advised to put their bins out by 6am or the night before to avoid them being missed.
All bins should be placed approximately half a metre from the kerb and half a metre apart from each other, with the lid opening to face the road. Do not place bins under trees or park cars in front of bins.
Please remove the bin from the nature strip as soon as possible after collection.
Things that cannot be collected
- Heavy bins - over 70kg
- Overloaded bins - please ensure bin lid can fully close
- Loose items - bags next to bins will not be collected
What does/doesn't go in my bin
- Residential rubbish bins are for domestic waste only such as food scraps and non-recyclable items
- No paint, chemicals, liquids, car batteries or motor oil - these items can be accepted at the regional waste facility at Meru under the Household Hazardous Waste Program
- Please do not put bricks, heavy timber or steel in the bin - these materials can damage the equipment and your bins.
Nabawa Refuse Site
Opening Hours: Wednesdays & Sundays, 8.30am to 4.30pm.
Residents are required to provide a copy of their Shire Access Card (if requested) when they dispose of their rubbish if they are to avoid any charges being imposed or access to the site being denied.
Refuse Site Charges are applicable to those unable to produce a Shire Access Card.
Residents witnessing any non-Chapman Valley resident utilising the refuse site should contact the Shire Office immediately so the offenders can be dealt with accordingly. Vehicle registration details of offenders is valuable information to assist the Shire with its investigations.
The Nabawa Refuse site is located off the Chapman Valley Road on the Nabawa Yetna Road, south west of the Nabawa town site. It can also be accessed from the North West Coastal Highway turning on to the Nanson Howatharra Road and again on to the Nabawa Yetna Road.
Rubbish is to be dumped in the appropriately signed areas for the rubbish type.
Disposal of waste oil, grease, hydraulic fluids, grease, etc. is prohibited. Such items are to be disposed of at the Meru Refuse Site. Waste oil may be collected by Wren Oil so contacting them direct may assist with this product.
Disposal of Chemical Containers, tyres gas bottles, combustible fuel containers, liquid waste, asbestos is prohibited. Illegal dumping will result in prosecution.
Dumping of large quantities (3 cubic meters or greater) of rubbish or building materials requires prior authorisation for the Shire CEO. Fees may be imposed.
Children must be supervised around the refuse site area and remain away from the disposal site areas at all times.
CCTV is in place at the refuse site.