Feral Rabbit Control
Rabbits are a well-known cause of environmental damage if left unmanaged. They can cause erosion problems, prevent native vegetation from regenerating, inhibit revegetation efforts, compete with native wildlife for food and habitat, destroy gardens, and undermine buildings. Under the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 rabbits are declared pests of agriculture and all landholders are required to control rabbits. The Shire is required to control rabbits. The Shire is required to control rabbits in its public open space reserves.
All control activities must comply with the Animal Welfare Act 2002 and Animal Welfare (General) Regulations 2003. The Shire approaches the design and implementation of its feral animal control programs with consideration to animal welfare, public health, impact on other species including domestic animals, timing of control effort, and the suitability of various methods to local conditions.
Licenced operators (Western Mulga) are engaged to undertake works consistent with industry standards and best practice. Rabbit activity is monitored and controls are deployed at the optimum times. Where possible a combination of methods are used to achieve the most effective control of rabbit populations with poisoning being the last method to deploy once the population has been reduced by other methods. Control sites are routinely monitored during control operations to remove affected rabbits.
Control methods that may be used include:
- Warren destruction & fumigation in discrete locations
- Laying of Pindone baits and cage trapping
- Release of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease
Pest Contractors
Western Mulga Pty Ltd |
(08) 9965 5662 |
info@westernmulga.com.au |
Midwest Pest Management |
(08) 9964 7747 |
mpm@node1.com.au |
Warning signage will be displayed on access tracks and areas where poisons are being used. The information on the warning signs should be adhered to at all times.
Areas targeted for feral rabbit control are advertised through the Shires' media prior to works commencing and may include:
- Dolby Creek
- Selected Bridal Paths
- Bill Hemsley Park
- Other Council controlled lands
Are you concerned about your domestic pets?
Domestic rabbits that have their vaccinations up-to-date will avoid any effects from potentially coming into contact with the rabbit haemorrhagic disease.
Pindone baiting in urban environments is acutely controlled and administered in a way that reduces risks to non-target animals. Domestic rabbits must be adequately contained and not allowed to roam outside the owner’s property boundary. Secondary poisoning is very unlikely as multiple feeds are necessary. Domestic dogs should be under control at all times. The antidote for Pindone is vitamin K1 and is available from a veterinarian.
Veterinary Clinics
Midwest Veterinary Centre |
(08) 9964 3671 |
reception@midwestvet.com.au |
0407 471 933 (Emergency After Hours) |
Chapman Animal Hospital |
(08) 9964 2828 |
reception@chapmanvet.com.au |
0448 380 008 (After Hours) |
Sanford Veterinary Clinic |
(08) 9921 1797 |
reception@sanfordvet.com.au |