
Objects & Reasons

Pursuant to Section 6.33 and 6.36 of the Local Government Act 1995 notice is hereby given to ratepayers of the intention of the Shire of Chapman Valley to levy the following differential rates for the 2024/2025 rating year:

A document outlining the objects and reasons for the proposed differential rates can be viewed by clicking here.

Information for the Valuer General

Local Government Authorities in Western Australia levy rates against each property by determining a rate in the dollar which is multiplied by the property’s valuation. Landgate Valuation Services provide independent and impartial property valuations for the purpose of rating.

If you feel the valuation of your property is not correct, you may lodge an objection to Landgate within 60 days of the date of issue of the first notice of valuation and rate for the financial year. The online objection form is now available on Lodging an Objection, under Q&A “How do I lodge an objection on my GRV, UV or pastoral rent value”.  

More information is available on Landgate’s website or by calling (08) 9273 7373.

Lodgement of an objection, or its subsequent conversion to an appeal, does not alter the obligation to pay the full amount of rates based on the valuation against which the objection has been lodged, by the due date specified in the rates notice.

Pensioner and Senior Concessions

If you hold a valid Concession Card you could qualify for a rebate or a deferment on paying your rates.

To qualify, ratepayers must meet all the following criteria:

  • You must be the owner and occupier of the property at 1 July; and
  • You must hold a valid Pensioner Concession Card, State Concession Card, WA Seniors Card or both a WA Seniors Card and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card.

Ratepayers meeting the above criteria must pay their portion of the general rates, sewerage area rates, Emergency Services Levy, rubbish charge and all arrears by 30 June each year to claim a rebate.

How do I apply for a pensioner/senior rebate?

  • Contact Water Corporation on 1300 659 951 to complete a telephone application. The Water Corporation will then forward a copy of your completed application to the Shire.
  • Complete an application online and Water Corporation will then forward a copy of your completed application to the Shire or
  • Bring your concession card to the Shire of Chapman Valley administration office during office hours to register.

The concession will apply from the date your application is received by the Water Corporation.

Alternative Arrangement to Pay Rates 

Ratepayers experiencing financial difficulties are encouraged to contact our office as soon as possible, before the due date, to discuss alternative arrangements. 

The setting of alternative regular payment arrangements will be considered to assist in managing your rates. An alternative Arrangement to Pay form can be downloaded to request a regular weekly/fortnightly or monthly instalment plan. All alternative payment arrangement requests  must be submitted in writing to the Shire, authorised and confirmed. It is recommended your arrangement equate to paying off your outstanding rate debt in full before the end of the financial year.

If you require assistance and/or wish to discuss alternative payment arrangements please contact the Shire Office on (08) 9920 5011.

Completed forms can be emailed to cso@chapmanvalley.wa.gov.au


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