Development Approval
Almost all development and land use within the Shire of Chapman Valley (other than a single dwelling and/or outbuilding upon Residential or Rural zoned land located outside of the Moresby Range Heritage Area) is subject to planning consent from the Council.
In order to obtain planning approval a signed application form for planning consent is required to be lodged with the Council accompanied by a copy of the land title, three sets of plans and a written submission detailing the proposal, and payment of the relevant planning application fees.
In some cases the application for planning consent may also involve extensive consultation with Community and other Government Agencies which will result in an addition fee being charged.
For further information on development approvals please contact Council's Planning Department on (08) 9920 5011 or via email
An Application for Planning Approval Form can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Scheme Amendments
An amendment to the Council's Local Town Planning Scheme is usually required in order to change or alter the zoning of a particular property to facilitate subdivision, development or a change in use which could not otherwise be approved under the existing zoning provisions.
The process of a Scheme Amendment is required to be enacted pursuant to the provisions of the Planning and Development Act 2005 (as amended) and the Planning and Development (Local Planning Scheme) Regulations 2015.
For further information on the Scheme Amendment process please contact the Western Australian Planning Commission on (08) 6551 8002 or Council's Planning Department on (08) 9920 5011 or via email
Subdivision Applications
The processing of subdivision, amalgamation or survey-strata applications is currently the responsibility of the Department for Planning. The Shire's involvement in this process is to provide comment on the application prior to the proposal being determined by the Western Australian Planning Commission.
To obtain further information and/or an application form for subdivision, amalgamation or survey-strata it is suggested contact be made with the Western Australian Planning Commission on (08) 6551 8002 or Council's Planning Department on (08) 9920 5011 or via email
Subdivision application forms can also be downloaded from the Western Australian Planning Commission website.
Attached Documents
Sea Containers
The siting of a sea container in the Shire’s rural-residential zone requires a development approval to have been issued by the local government.
The Shire of Chapman Valley ‘Sea Containers’ Local Planning Policy (a copy of which is available at the link below) only permits the siting of a sea container within the ‘Rural Residential’ zone in the following circumstances:
(Temporary Siting) Where the sea container is being used for the temporary storage of building equipment, and where a current building permit has been issued for a residence or outbuilding, and for a period of not longer than 12 months
(Permanent Siting) A maximum of 1 sea container where the sea container is being used for the permanent storage of household items, and where the sea container is positioned alongside an existing approved structure (e.g. outbuilding or residence) and is painted or clad to match the colour of the structure against which the sea container is positioned.
It is recognised that the placement of a sea container upon a property in the Shire’s rural-residential areas can be a convenient way to store items but it can also lead to issues with its appearance that reduce both the property and surrounding suburb’s appeal.
With this in mind a couple of simple and low-cost ideas are also provided below on how landowners can improve the appearance of a sea container to increase the value of their property, maximise storage space and assist it in blending into the landscape.
If you are thinking of purchasing a sea container please contact the Shire office on (08) 9920 5011 to discuss your ideas.
Further information can be found on the Shire website at or by ringing the Shire office on (08) 9920 5011.
Sea Containers: Local Planning Policy
Application for Planning Approval form

Other Planning Information
Buller Local Structure Plan
Dolbys Drive Structure Plan
Local Planning Policies
Local Planning Scheme
Local Planning Strategy
Moresby Range Management Plan
Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places
Oakajee Industrial Estate
Wokarena Heights
Coastal Strategy