Published on Sunday, 19 June 2022 at 5:16:43 PM
With last month’s musing I encouraged our community to travel ‘out and about’ and explore our beautiful Valley, and I hope people have taken some time to do so. We are truly blessed to live where we live, and with further rainfall these past weeks the landscape is looking sensational.
And what a time to grow our Chapman Valley. The recent rains I am sure have been welcomed by farmers, gardeners, and community alike. And the seedlings and everlastings that the Shire kindly distributed to mark one year on from cyclone Seroja and help beautify our region I am sure also benefited from some rain. The seedlings were well received by the community with the seedling supply exhausted, however there are some everlasting seed packets still available if residents wish to collect from the shire office. It was also great to meet some locals a few weeks ago at the collection afternoon at Bill Hemsley Park.
The Grow CV campaign had some extra benefits for our community with the Yuna CWA receiving a cash donation from Lucinda Everlastings through the CWA Hills Belle Group who ran a fundraising order for CWA branches. The shire was able to take the opportunity to place the seed order which is a wonderful outcome for CWA whom do service work for women and families and in our community. A huge thank you to the Shire staff who supported in pulling together the campaign.
It's hard to believe we are in the month of June. Half way through 2022 which means EOFY is here. A very busy time for staff and council as we finalise projects and expenditure for the current year and diligently work on the finer details for next financial year's considerations. The shire’s integrated planning process underpins and guides these considerations. I specifically refer to the Community Strategic Plan, and Corporate Business Plan which highlights the strategic direction of the shire. The current review of the CSP is nearing a final draft, and will be appearing in coming months for community perusal.
Road crews and the building surveyor/ manager are very busy completing the last of the grant funded projects, and maintenance work continuing to happen across the extensive network of shire owned assets. The crew are continually accommodating delays with COVID, supply chain interruptions and price increases just like many others in business. Your understanding and compassion towards staff in attending to priority matters is greatly appreciated as we navigate these challenging times. If you have concerns, or words of congratulations please contact one of your local councillors or Jamie Criddle, shire CEO. All the contact details can be found on the shire’s webpage;

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